vrijdag 24 mei 2013

A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin

I was questioning myself which book would be a proper book to post on my blog. This is the first time I ever reviewed a book and I think this book will be a good start. Many people have read it and liked it very much, including myself.

This book is about a place where the seasons don't change every 3 months, but can last for years. The story follows the high houses, which reign or are important for the realm. All sorts of events happen, like treason, lying and hiding things. Because of those events the realm has to deal with issues between those families. So it's almost natural that there will be lots of blood and fights.

A friend gave me this book for my birthday, which I really appreciated, because I wanted to read this book for a while. The series were a great success and I was curious to find out if the books were as good as people said they were. (Note: I hadn't seen the series before I had read the book) Although I wasn't certain I would like this book (because I hadn't read much books in the same genre) I enjoyed it from the beginning until the end. The book is in many different perspectives and about quite a lot of families. So it wasn't an easy read for me. Fortunately, there is an appendix at the end where all the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms.  I was really glad there was one, because without it would be confusing to figure out who everyone is. During the first chapters you have to pay attention to make sure you know which persons are related to each other and to which House they belong. But after you figured that out, you will find yourself enjoying the story. Also the map at the beginning of the book is very helpful. It connects you more with the story and it makes the world more real.

I would highly recommend this book. It doesn't really matter if you have read more books in the same genre or if you - like me - had no clue what you could expect. You won't finish this book quickly (unless you have magical reading skills), but that is not a shame. It will take you into a whole other world from the moment you start reading and if you've finished it, you'll be glad that you read this book.

- L

Pages: 864
Genre: Fantasy

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