zondag 2 juni 2013

Wonder - R.J. Palacio

Wonder is a book about a ten-year-old boy named August. August is deformed because he has this syndrome called Treacher Collins Syndrome. In the book August goes for the first time to school. This is very scary, because most people don't react well when they see him for the first time.

I just found out it was a children's book, but I actually enjoyed reading it although I'm certainly not 10 or 12 years old. I guess I thought it was a YA book, because the description was quite mysterious. The book is written in different perspectives, but August narrates most of the story. The storyline isn't really spectacular, but it will make you think about this syndrome. Everyone is staring at you when you're in public, children call you names and even some adults will say something mean behind your back. I think it's giving a great example of the everyday life of someone with this syndrome. The book is easy to read, which is absolutely logical. But I seriously think people over 12 will enjoy this book too, just like I did. Though August is an imaginary character, I had respect for the way he dealt with his syndrome. Probably real persons with this syndrome will have the same strength as August. Also it's pretty touching to see how August gain more confident when he goes to school. For example, at the beginning of the story he has long hair covering his eyes, so no one sees his deformed eyes. But at the end he has short hair. It's something he wouldn't have done when he was still home-schooled.

I think it will be good for children to read this book. They'll understand that someone with a syndrome, disability or whatever has problems to deal with a lot of everyday tasks. Probably is the book written with goal to give children more sympathy for these people.

- L

Pages: 310
Genre: Children's book/Fiction

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